

失踪 1-2季全 [8.4分]


2024-06-22   6329

我心里的那家伙 [2024][5.7分]

  疲于工作的在民,和偶遇的高中同学南伊一夜风流后,体会到了前所未有的感受,但俩人因南伊工作方面的误解而产生了冲突。   Jae Min, tired of preparing for a job, opens his eyes to new feelings through a one-night stand with Nam Yi, a high school classmate he meets by chance, but conflicts arise due to misunderstandings related to Nam Yi's job.

2024-06-22   10141

隐秘王国 [2014][9.5分]

  Hidden Kingdoms is an innovative new series from the BBC's Natural History Unit. For the first time it takes the viewer into a unique and unexplored miniature world, immersing you into the action-packed lives of the planet's smaller animals.   Based in six of the planet’s most iconic landscapes: the open plains of Africa’s savannah, Arizona’s desert, the forests of Borneo, the wo.

2024-06-22   11940

柚木家的四兄弟 [2023][7.5分]

  父母2年前突然离世后,只有四兄弟互相扶持……   稳重的长男准、可靠的次男尊、可爱的四男岳,   还有想帮忙却不得要领的三男凑,   欢笑和泪水交错的四兄弟物语START!!

2024-06-22   11524

毒帮家族 [2024]


2024-06-21   9765

指尖相触,恋恋不舍 [2024][7.7分]


2024-06-21   11078

谁是被害者第一季 [2020][8.0分]

改编自推理小说家「天地无限」(徐瑞良)的作品《第四名被害者》 原著描述一起震惊全台湾的连续杀人案在半年多前发生后,嫌犯方梦鱼坚决不肯透露被害者遗体下落,却在临终之前,暗示还有第四名被害者,并吐露已将受害者遗体线索透过律师交给他的学生周雨洁,让整起案件重回媒体版面。 随着媒体扑天盖地的攻势,真相慢慢被掩盖,幕后的真凶正要对第四名被害者下手……

2024-06-21   9702

尝试第四季 [2024][8.6分]

  In the exciting fourth season, we fast-forward six years, discovering that Nikki (Esther Smith) and Jason (Rafe Spall) are experienced adopters having built a lovely little nuclear family, enriched by an extraordinary support network. However, as their teenage daughter, Princess (Scarlett Rayner), starts to yearn for a connection with her birth mother, Nikki and Jason find them...

2024-06-20   12145

燕子不再归来 [2024][7.1分]


2024-06-20   2127