Based on the eponymously titled novel, this is the powerful real-life story of Lale Sokolov, a Jewish prisoner who was tasked with tattooing ID numbers on prisoners' arms in the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp during World War Two.
Starring and executive produced by Tom Holland, “The Crowded Room” is a gripping, 10-episode limited series that stars Holland as Danny Sullivan, a man who is arrested following his involvement in a shooting in New York City in 1979. A captivating thriller told through a series of interviews with curious interrogator Rya Goodwin (Amanda Seyfried), Danny’s life story unfolds, r...
The network has renewed its drama series for a third season. The pickup for the series, produced by Warner Bros. Television and Fox Entertainment, comes seven weeks after The Cleaning Lady wrapped its 12-episode second season.
young boy learns to deal with all of the bad influences and grown-ups around him.