

年少轻狂 1-3季 [9分]


2024-02-26   32724

极岛森林第二季 [2023][8.3分]

  延續探索生態的主題,「極島森林2」以陳柏霖擔任靈魂人物並與柴犬Afuri共同擔綱主持。本季更邀請 #具俊曄、#徐若瑄、#黃宣、#王淨、#侯彥西 多位大咖明星好友,以及 #韓勾ㄟ金針菇、#千千 和 #昆蟲擾西,以「探索不同生態環境」為主線,全台走透透,從北到南,從宜蘭到小琉球,深入台灣原生種保護和永續發展領域,透過娛樂挑戰和知識分享,感受台灣森林的療癒魅力...

2024-02-26   5040

东区女巫 [2013][6.9分]

  乔安娜(朱莉娅·奥蒙德 Julia Ormond 饰)育有两个貌美如花的女儿——弗雷亚(珍娜·迪万-塔图姆 Jenna Dewan-Tatum 饰)和英格丽德(瑞秋·波士顿 Rachel Boston 饰),然而,两个女孩所不知道的是,她们的母亲来自于古老的伯查家族,是拥有不朽生命的女巫,而这神秘又充满了诅咒的女巫之血,自然也在弗雷亚和英格丽德的血管中流动着。   弗雷亚即将和达什(艾里克·温特 Eric Winter 饰)订婚,可很显然,她对达什的弟弟肯利亚(丹尼尔·迪托马索 Daniel DiTomasso 饰)更感兴趣,因为对于弗雷亚来说,肯利亚身上散发出的神秘感有着致命的吸引力。乔安娜久违的妹妹温蒂(梅晨·阿米克 Mädchen Amick 饰)现身了,她带来了一个噩耗,有一群不轨之徒企图断绝查伯家的血脉,而乔安娜必须向女儿们揭开她们的身世之谜。.

2024-02-25   2021

英国金属加工工艺全览 [2012]

  Series looking at aspects of British metalworking over the centuries, including the art of the silversmith, the history of armour and the work of the blacksmith

2024-02-25   3774

文斯小子 [2024]


2024-02-25   2540

偷猎者 [2024]

  A group of Indian Forest Service officers, NGO workers, police constables and Good Samaritans risk their lives trying to track down the biggest elephant ivory poachers in the history of India and bring them to justice.

2024-02-25   2534

亨利八世的六位王后 [2016][9.0分]

  In an ambitious, ground-breaking approach to drama and history, historian Lucy Worsley time travels back to the Tudor Court to witness some of the most dramatic moments in the lives of Henry VIII’s Six Wives. Combining drama written by Chloe Moss with Lucy’s own contemporary historical comment, Lucy will move seamlessly from the present to the past, appearing as a range of sile...

2024-02-25   8629

菲尔来蹭饭 1-5季 [2018][8.8分]


2024-02-24   8381

零零零 Triple Oh! [2023][5集全]

  Inspired by real people, Stockell sets her sights on two ambulance paramedics. Their personalities clash, but then one of them introduces the other to her unconventional policy of having sex when a patient dies. “It’s about love, death and sex, and the ways we find meaning despite knowing that soon, we’ll all be gone,” she says, mentioning “incredible paramedics” who shared the...

2024-02-24   2302