

午夜之家 [2024]

  Marigaby Tamayo is an ambitious medical student who spends her nights saving lives throughout a sprawling, contrasted and fascinating Mexico City aboard her family's privately owned ambulance.

2024-11-23   5516

嘻哈星节奏第一季 [2019][8.1分]

  世界巨星卡迪·B,饶舌歌手钱斯,提普“T.I.”哈里斯在 Netflix 首档音乐比赛节目 《嘻哈星节奏》中寻找下一个嘻哈说唱巨星。该剧集汇集来自不同城市的业内众多传奇人物,来到嘻哈兴盛地带,如洛杉矶、纽约、亚特兰大和芝加哥。目的是寻找嘻哈天才,帮助尚未发掘的艺人实现他们的梦想。

2024-11-23   7960

天龙八部 [2003][8.6分]

  改编自金庸同名小说。北宋年间宋、辽、西夏对立,丐帮帮主乔峰(胡军 饰)被丐帮副帮主马大元之妻康敏所害,被武林所不齿,乔峰为查出真相为自己平反开始了调查之路,却引发了更大的纠葛。他在调查途中遇上了大理段家风流倜傥的世子段誉(林志颖 饰)以及看似木讷却宅心仁厚的少林小和尚虚 竹(高虎 饰),三人意气相投结成兄弟。乔峰认识了阿朱(刘涛 饰)、阿紫(陈好 饰)两姐妹;段誉痴情于王语嫣(刘亦菲 饰),遇见了众多红颜知己;虚竹遭遇了神秘的梦姑(王海珍 饰)。面对乱世,三人开始了非同寻常的江湖生涯,遇见了诸如天山童姥(舒畅 饰)、慕容复(修庆 饰)、四大恶人等各色高手,生死情仇、爱恨别离、民族大义在因缘际会中施展。

2024-11-23   438

企鹅妈妈 [2024]

  A renowned MMA fighter juggles her life between fights in the ring and raising her seven-year-old son. After an incident at the boy's school, the woman is forced to transfer him to the "Wonderful Harbor" a facility recommended by the school psychologist. The young mother is unaware that the parents of the school's students come from a completely different world than her own. Am...

2024-11-23   493

克罗马尼翁:大火之夜 [2024]

  A fictional drama based on true events, that follows a group of teenage friends whose lives were impacted by the fire that erupted at the República Cromañón club in 2004

2024-11-23   492

失联900天:安娜贝尓绑架案 [2024]


2024-11-22   1074

未来的选择 [2013][6.1分]


2024-11-22   530

圣丹尼斯医院 [2024][更03]


2024-11-22   477

寻踪者第二季 [2024][更08]

  Tracker, the first new broadcast drama to premiere this season, is also the first freshman scripted series to land a Season 2 renewal. Amid strong ratings following its post-Super Bowl premiere, CBS has picked up a second season of the series starring Justin Hartley after four airings.

2024-11-22   1176