

荒野第二季 [2022][6.6分]

Survival hangs in the balance for a group of teenage girls stranded on a deserted island, after the explosive discovery that what's happening to them is an elaborate social experiment. Season 2 ups the drama and keeps you guessing, with the introduction of more test subjects – a new island of teenage boys – who must also fight for survival under the watchful eye of the experiment’s puppet master.

2022-05-09   3961

鬼宅的秘密 [2012][7.4分]


2022-05-09   3449

陌生人 [2020][7.2分]


2022-05-09   3463

德黑兰第二季 [2022][7.9分]

  AppleTV+续订《德黑兰》第二季。   从第二季开始,本剧会成为AppleTV+在全世界范围的原创剧集,在以色列当地会同时上线AppleTV+和在Kan11播出。

2022-05-08   4369

野生动物宝宝第一季 [2022]

 Every living creature starts life as a baby. From the moment of birth, the adventure of life begins. Some enjoy a blissful babyhood full of playtime with siblings and the carefree fun that comes with learning skills for adulthood. Others have a brutal awakening as they are launched into a game of survival from day one, and have to learn to get by on their own… or not. Born Wild reveals the secret lives of baby animals as we venture into their world for a glimpse of events and interactions we ra

2022-05-08   5703

武法律师 [2018][7.8分]

  该剧讲述了不相信法律,用拳头解决的无法律师为了报母亲之仇,孤身一人站在正义的法庭之前,对抗以无所不能拥有权力之人的律师的故事。这是一部刻画只为了复仇奔跑的律师,描述他的复仇之路和成长之路的法庭动作剧。   李准基饰演对权力内部者们下刀的律师奉尚必,他小时候亲眼目睹母亲惨死,之后因为悲愤而把为母亲报仇视为人生目的和绝对任务。   徐睿知饰演做任何事情非常有主导性有主见的夏在伊一角,本是律师,因为对法官暴行成为了事务长,成为了事务长以后和奉尚必相识,成为了事件的中心人物。   李慧英饰演法律界受人尊敬的“Mother特蕾莎”车文淑,虽然是个绝对女王的存在,但是她是个独吞各种权力,欲望和恶的化身的人物。她的面前出现了奉尚必,她开始动摇了。   崔民秀饰演对权力和欲望充满野心的财阀会长安武周一角,他隐藏着自己无耻的过去和极其恶劣的本色,是个十足的心机男。

2022-05-08   3426

忧愁河上桥 1-3季 [2010][8.8分]

  《火线TheWire》制作人DavidSimon和EricOvermyer再度联手为HBO电视台打造的新剧《Treme》。将于4月11日播出,《太平洋ThePacific》为其前导剧。   《Treme》把视角放在了灾难过后的新奥尔良,Treme本身是新奥尔良州一个地区的名字,是中央城区的一个小分区。本剧着重描写,在2005年卡特里娜飓风席卷新奥尔良的三个月后,当地的音乐家,厨师以及普普通通的新奥尔良老百姓如何重建家园,如何重新开始人生,如何重新找回文化的归属感的故事。   因首集140万的高收视,HBO决定预定第二季!

2022-05-07   3448

亲朋密友2 [2022][6.3分]

  从第一季《密友》的成功看VIU与BOX音乐的合作。不要让粉丝等太久。请留下来。我们很快会在第二季回来。快到了!   CollaborationofVIUwithBOXMusicfromthesuccessofseason1CloseFriend.Don'tletthefanshavetowaitforalongtime.Pleasestickaround.We'llbebacksooninSeason2.ComingSoon!

2022-05-07   4258

告密者 [2018][8.4分]

 Informer is a sophisticated, character-driven thriller about Raza, a young, second generation Pakistani man from East London (Nabhaan Rizwan) who is coerced by Gabe, a Counter-Terrorism officer (Paddy Considine) to go undercover and inform for him. Gabe, who has a past he is unwilling to expose, is joined by Holly, his new and ambitious partner (Bel Powley) whose endless curiosity becomes threatening to him. As the central counterterrorism investigation heats up, the stakes for all three get hi

2022-05-07   3545

魔幻之音 [2022][7.4分]


2022-05-07   3980