

乔尔·金·布斯特:性心理 [2022][6.6分]

  Joel Kim Booster's first Netflix comedy special, talking about the cultural nuances of being Asian as he gets older and much more.

2022-06-23   5490

悉尼豪宅第一季 [2021][7.5分]

  Introducing 3 agents in the Sydney property market; we follow Gavin, D'Leanne and Simon as they hustle, negotiate and deal - in their quest for success.

2022-06-20   6273

白马公主第二季 [2022][7.9分]

  Princess Charming is a German reality dating show that premiered on May 25, 2021, streaming on premium sector of RTL+ and began airing on October 29, 2021, on television on VOX. It is streaming on RTL+, operated by the RTL media group, in German.

2022-06-18   6567

百万胡扯大赛 [2022][7.2分]


2022-06-12   5738

百人社会实验第一季 [2020][7.1分]


2022-06-11   6595

我的下位来宾鼎鼎大名 [2018][8.3分]

  著名主持人大卫·莱特曼联合Netflix打造的系列剧集《我的下位来宾鼎鼎大名》(My Next Guest Needs No Introduction With David Letterman)发布先导预告,一探主持节目的台前幕后。1月12日播出首集,共6集,二月—六月每月播出一集。莱特曼采访过的名人多不胜数,乔治·克鲁尼、马拉拉·优素福·扎伊、Jay-Z、蒂娜·菲、霍华德·斯特恩以及美国前总统奥巴马等。

2022-06-03   6794

寻人记II [2022][9.8分]

  茫茫人海,大海捞针,《寻人记》团队齐心合力,继续寻觅。当年街童去哪儿?「带子洪郎」身在何方?「投诉王」又有新冤情?明星保母已经退隐江湖?访队四出寻人,也不时「被寻人」。有当事人主动联络见面,也有观众来信求助,更有受访者委托越洋寻亲……人生就是寻寻觅觅,寻寻觅觅要花很多气 力,往往找不到,偶尔寻到宝。《寻人记II》和大家一起见证成果,体验「白果」,尝尽人生百味,寻回更多「人‧情‧味」。

2022-05-29   6359