The coming up of FC Bayern Munich between 1965 and 1974, from a team that came out of nowhere.
Virdee is a new detective series based on AA Dhand’s best-selling crime novels. The series introduces Detective Harry Virdee (Sacha Dhawan), a Bradford cop disowned by his Sikh family for marrying Saima, who is Muslim. Harry struggles with the abandonment, constantly attempting to reunite with his family. With his personal life in chaos, he must hunt down a killer targeting the.
该剧是一部校园奇幻惊悚剧,讲述每天最多只能吃一个,只咬一口也能实现梦想的手工曲奇饼吞噬了一所名门高中后引发的故事。 崔显旭剧中饰演正韩高中高三S班全班第3名“徐浩秀”,他妈妈卧病在床,爸爸失踪,即便如此他仍保持着优异的成绩。他也是每天都被同学们利用的“正韩高傻瓜”。
Tracker, the first new broadcast drama to premiere this season, is also the first freshman scripted series to land a Season 2 renewal. Amid strong ratings following its post-Super Bowl premiere, CBS has picked up a second season of the series starring Justin Hartley after four airings.
Bir Gece Masalı, komiser Mahir (Burak Deniz) ile Yörük kızı Canfeza'nın (Su Burcu Yazgı Coşkun) Pamukkale'nin büyülü atmosferinde başlayıp İstanbul'da Asaf Bey konağına uzanan imkânsız aşklarını masalsı bir anlatımla ekrana taşıyacak.
D.C. Rachel Bailey在辛迪加即曼彻斯特谋杀专案组工作9号工作。 工作时她是个优秀的警察,但是处理工作以外的事情她就玩不转了。我们看到她时,男友Nick Savage吃饭时当众把她甩了。男友说他要离开。Rachel狠揍了Nick两下,但是看得出她确实内心伤的很深,尤其是当她怀疑Nick有外遇的时候。Bailey最好的朋友Janet Scott当时也在那里,一如既往的在第二天全力投入到工作中。