
遇见最极致的中国 [2022][9.1分]


2024-05-14   637

55号房间 [2014][6.7分]

  本片故事背景设置在19世纪五十年代的英国,Alice Lawson是一档美食节目的主播,也是一位严格自律的妻子。这天晚上,Alice同往常一样结束工作,买好蔬菜准备回家替家人做晚餐,可是不巧遇到了大雨,内心本就不安宁的她陷入了歇斯底里的惶恐中。她临时改变计划,独自一人在酒店过夜,而此时的她并不知道这一决定将彻底改变她的生活。

2024-04-28   779

红海令我欲泪 [2023]

  A German woman goes to the town on the Red Sea where her Arab lover has just died. Beyond a simple story of mourning, the invention of an eerie port town by this young Jordanian filmmaker has Durassian echoes: the death of both a man and a city. The odyssey concludes in a hotel bar, backed by a popular Middle Eastern song.

2024-04-25   595

亮瀑镇 [2010][7.5分]

  《心灵杀手》真人短剧   可视为心灵杀手前传

2024-04-17   652

种树的牧羊人 [1988][9.1分]

  一个孤独的牧羊人凭着一己之力和数十年的时间,在荒漠中种出了大片的树林,把土丘变成了绿洲。《种树的牧羊人》是Frédéric BACK先生1987年出品的一部代表作品,动画的剧本改变自法国作家Jean Giono在1953年出版的同名小说。整部动画片充满了诗意的叙述。与其说这是一个动画片,不如说它是一个精致的散文。淡泊而又意味深长,风格简约而又意味深长。叙事代替了色彩和形式成为主角。   2006年6月在法国安锡(Annecy)国际动画电影节上评选出的“动画的世纪·100部作品”荣登第五名。

2024-04-09   686

厄勒克特拉 [2023]

  当厄勒克特拉试图回忆她的10 岁生日时,她陷入了一个光怪陆离的幻想世界之中。那里充满了怪异赤裸的娃娃和断残的塑料肢体,不时还会出现喷溅的草莓和牙科器械。她渐渐与自己作为女性的身体建立起了联系,而这个过程充满了迷茫与恐惧。

2024-04-03   1021

永远不会存在的电影《虚假的战争》的预告片 [2023][7.0分]

  A Saint Laurent by Anthony Vaccarello and Vixens production, in coproduction with L’Atelier.   Jean-Luc Godard often transformed his synopses into aesthetic programs. Drôles de guerres follows in this tradition and will remain as the ultimate gesture of cinema, which he accompanies with the following text: “No longer trusting the billions of diktats of the alphabet to give back t.

2024-03-28   885

狂野之美:国家公园探险 [2016][8.8分]

  Narrated by Academy Award® winner Robert Redford, National Parks Adventure takes audiences on the ultimate off-trail adventure into the nation’s awe-inspiring great outdoors and untamed wilderness. Immersive IMAX® 3D cinematography takes viewers soaring over red rock canyons, hurtling up craggy mountain peaks and into other-worldly realms found within America’s most legendary o...

2024-03-23   1057

串珠 [2023][5.4分]

  Two young women retreat to a remote holiday home. While one of them undertakes a medical abortion, the other quietly cares for her. A snake slithers around them, unnoticed.

2024-03-23   685