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GIVEN被赠与的未来剧场版:柊mix [2024]

  美しい夕景をバックに、   バンド「ギヴン」と「syh〈シー〉」のメンバーが勢揃いです🎸✨

2024-09-13   7934

善后 [2024]

  A business mogul runs into his old small town girlfriend while she is visiting the big city only to find out that they had a child together that he was unaware of. Based on an Israeli award winning movie.   An English language adaptation of "Ga'agua", an affecting multi-award winning dramedy from writer director Savi Gabizon. Daniel, a wealthy bachelor in his 60s, discovers his C.

2024-09-13   7712

被困比利时 [2021]

  《Log in Belgium》是因为疫情被困在比利时安特卫普陌生酒店里的演员刘台午,通过电影这感性相通的假想世界寻找真正刘台午的私密记录。刘台午全程参与了企划、制作、剧本、导演、拍摄、剪辑以及音乐工作,本片采用100%智能手机拍摄。

2024-09-12   7575

女败女战 [2018][8.6分]

  《#女敗女戰》是一趟探索21世紀女性性別問題的旅程。這部電影紀錄了五位來自不同地方的女性、分別在父權社會下受到侮辱和壓迫,她們打破沉默,勇於道出在固有體制下面對的種種不公。   她們的遭遇都有着一個共通點:她們的身體失去自主和慾望被剝奪。片中將展示出這五位勇敢女性如何在保守的文化氛圍中發聲。

2024-09-12   9517

姥姥的外孙 [2024][9.0分]

  出身泰国华人家庭的无业年轻人阿安(马群耀 饰)看到堂妹因照顾病重的爷爷而继承房产后,也对身患绝症的姥姥(乌萨·萨梅坎姆 饰)动了心思,计划复刻堂妹的“致富之路”获取百万遗产。但面对同样“努力”的舅舅们和挑剔毒舌的姥姥,阿安这条争当全职孝孙的“啃姥致富”之路似乎没有他预想的那么顺利……

2024-09-12   11408

吸血鬼猎人D [1985][8.5分]

  西暦12090 年、舞台は辺境の町。一帯を支配する「貴族」リィ伯爵に血を吸われた少女ドリスは、吸血鬼ハンターの"D"を雇い入れた。ドリスを吸血鬼の一族へと迎え入れようとする伯爵、それに反発する彼の娘ラミーカ、強盗団の頭目であり不死を目論む麗銀星などの面々と、伯爵を狙う"D"との激闘が幕を開ける。

2024-09-12   7984

辫子 [2023]

  In India, Smita is an untouchable. She dreams of giving her young daughter an education and will go to any length to make that happen, including leaving behind all she knows in search of a better future.   In Sicily, Giulia works in her father’s wig workshop, the last of its kind in Palermo. When her father is the victim of a serious accident, she discovers that her family’s live.

2024-09-11   7582

网中的太阳 [1963][8.2分]

  The Sun in a Net (Slnko v sieti) became a key film in the development of Slovak and Czechoslovak cinema from the mandated Socialist-Realist filmmaking of the repressive 1950s towards the Czechoslovak/Czech New Wave and socially critical or experimental films of the 1960s marked by a gradual relaxation of communist control. Stefan Uher's cinematic idiom is as exquisite and delib...

2024-09-11   7845

引诱 [2023]

  A young female journalist gets a chance to follow a famous football star for three days to write an article about him, as her first assignment. What seems at first like a lavish, luxurious lifestyle turns into a dangerous situation.

2024-09-10   10971

夜幕女王 [2023]


2024-09-10   8168