Ohio Valley Wrestling of Louisville, Kentucky is a regional wrestling gym whose alumni include Brock Lesnar, The Miz, John Cena, Dave Bautista, and Randy Orton. Once a proud finishing school for aspiring pro wrestlers, the gym has since hit hard times. Acclaimed wrestler Al Snow clings to an old-school wrestling philosophy with a heavy emphasis on storytelling, but in spite of ...
《时间的风景》是备受赞誉的摄像师和导演,汤姆·劳的首部影片。影片采用慢镜头与定时拍摄的摄影技术,向我们展示了美国西南部陆地、人文以及野外令人惊叹的瑰丽景色。为拍摄本影片,劳开着他的丰田敞篷小卡车奔走于美国西南部,历时两年。 《时间的风景》的拍摄、剪辑和色彩分级均采用4K 分辨率(4096×2304像素),是世界上首部面向公众发售的4K电影。
In an intensely personal and often surprising film for BBC Two, Depression And Me, Alastair Campbell explores if radical new treatments can stop his depression. Campbell is best known for his role as Tony Blair’s formidable and often contentious spin doctor but, away from the public eye, he has been dogged by crippling bouts of depression for most of his life. Some days, just g.
这是一部你从未见过的雪豹电影,这不仅仅是一部关于雪豹的电影。在包括三位藏族牧民在内的摄影团队六年的努力下,电影以独特的视角为我们呈现了神秘的“雪山之王”的故事。作为雪域高原的顶级掠食者,雪豹的生存并不容易,严酷的环境,求偶的竞争,繁衍的艰难……这些最真实的场景都被一一记录。越艰难的岁月越需要朋友,藏狐、鼠兔、藏棕熊、藏羚羊、斑头雁、高山兀鹫从陆地到天空,一直陪伴着雪豹;当地的牧民则给雪豹以最好的护卫。有了这些朋友,雪豹也不再显得孤单。 本片里有我们从未如此近距离地观察到过的野生动物的生活,它们那么野性又灵动,在用尽全力绽放出璀璨的生命光芒。
Music By John Williams, an all-new documentary on the life and career of the legendary composer, will have a limited theatrical release and begins streaming November 1 on Disney+. The documentary features interviews with Steven Spielberg, Kathleen Kennedy, Frank Marshall, Kate Capshaw, Gustavo Dudamel, J.J. Abrams, Chris Martin, Ron Howard, Chris Columbus, George Lucas, Itzhak ...