
村庄 [2023]


2024-09-02   6594

爱的另一半 [2023]

  Nick Jonas stars as Renn, an emotionally distant writer who returns to his hometown of Cleveland for his beloved mother’s funeral, after having spent years successfully avoiding interactions with his high-strung sister (Brittany Snow), bumbling but well-meaning father (Matt Walsh), and untrustworthy step-father (David Arquette). While in town, he forges a new relationship with ...

2024-09-02   6643

山羊生活 [2024][6.8分]

  印度移民工人纳吉布·穆罕默德(Najeeb Muhammad)前往沙特阿拉伯赚钱的真实事件。然而,命运弄人,他发现自己过着奴隶般的生活,在沙漠中央放羊。

2024-09-02   6653

前妻 [2022]

  Tasha has the perfect house, a loving husband and a beautiful little girl. Her life could be perfect if it wasn't for Jen, her husband's ex-wife who just won't leave them alone.

2024-09-02   8600

詹姆斯.梅的玩具世界 [2009][9.0分]

  James May's Toy Stories is a television series presented by James May.[2][3] The series was commissioned for BBC Two from Plum Pictures.[3][4] The first episode, "Airfix", was shown on BBC Two at 8:00 pm on Tuesday 27 October 2009.[1]   The premise of the 6-part show was to bring favourite toys of the past into the modern era, by using the toys in real life large scale enterprise.

2024-09-02   7358

无痛杀手 [2023][7.8分]

  《无痛杀手》是一部有脚本的限定剧集,故事情节虚构,探讨了美国阿片类药物危机的起源和后果,重点讲述了肇事者、受害者和寻求真相者的故事,他们的生活因奥施康定的发明彻底改变了。《无痛杀手》对犯罪、问责制和屡屡令数十万美国人失败的制度进行了审视,改编自巴里·迈耶的《PAINKILLER》一书和帕特里克·拉登·基夫在《纽约客》杂志上发表的文章《The Family That Built an Empire of Pain》。监制阵容包括埃里克·纽曼、彼得·博格和亚历克斯·吉布尼,以及剧集主管/创剧人迈卡·费兹曼-布卢和诺亚·哈普斯特。主演阵容包括乌佐·阿杜巴、马修·布罗德里克、泰勒·克奇、迪纳·什瓦比和韦斯特·杜乔夫尼。

2024-09-02   9053

人类之巅3 [2023]

  爱德华多·威廉姆斯夺得洛迦诺电影节当代电影人单元金豹奖的长片首作《人类之巅》完成于2017年,以一种现代、抽象的跳跃性思路,跟随生活于不同国家地域、来自少数文化群体的年轻人,展示他们在网络时代的处境与命运、孤独灵魂与自由渴望。   其非常规“续集”《人类之巅3》将再次随行这样一群年轻人,捕捉他们的私人日常、所思所想,从陆地海洋之间、大风大雨之中,神游到宇宙原初之地,让电影从现实世界裡解放出一个时空逻辑失灵、现实梦幻交错的新天地。

2024-09-01   6745

动物 [2023]

  Under the hot Greek sun, the animateurs at an all-inclusive island resort prepare for the busy touristic season. Kalia is the leader of the pack. Paper decors, glossy costumes and dance shows fill the stage. As summer intensifies and the work pressure builds up, their nights become violent and Kalia’s struggle is revealed in the darkness. But when the spotlights turn on again, ...

2024-09-01   6896

战火 [1946][8.2分]

  本片以第二次世界大战末期,在意大利登陆的美军攻破德军防线为背景,导演以令人感动的场面把美军从南部攻到北部期间所引发的一些意大利民间故事编成一部有连贯性的社会写实的电影,画面上的真实感,给予人们非常大的冲击,创下了意大利电影的新潮流……   大师罗西里尼的战后三部曲的第二部,第一部是《罗马,不设防的城市》,最后一部是《德意志零年》。作为新现实主义的奠基人,罗西里尼几乎不使用剧本,并明确拒绝使用摄影棚、服装、化妆和职业演员。影片由6个小故事组成,背景是二战后期盟军在意大利登陆后攻破德军防线,从南部向北部进攻期间引发的一些民间小故事。罗西里尼在摄影机前重现了美国大兵,游击队员、修道士,妓女,以及普通平民在那个烽火连天的岁月里的真实遭遇,影片穿插了很多真实的战争镜头,令观众感同身受。

2024-09-01   6508


  UK version of the long-running U.S. TV drama that tells the stories of two separate yet equally important groups: the police, who investigate crime; and the attorneys, who prosecute the offenders.

2024-09-01   6440