
法官大人 [2022][8.2分]

  An incorruptible judge has spent his career fighting organized crime. However, tables are turned when his son is guilty of a hit-and-run case.

2024-09-02   3383

昨天我们还是孩子 [2022]

  When Peter snaps his actions cause his family ties to be broken forever, catapulting his three children into turmoil. His past finally catches up with him, also affecting the intertwined fates of three associated families.

2024-09-02   1237

醉酒的女人 [1974][8.3分]

  尼克(彼得·福克 Peter Falk 饰)老老实实工作,勤勤恳恳做人,尽管从事的是一份辛苦但收入微薄的体力工作,但一想到自己的家庭和未来,尼克感到十分满足。不幸的是,很显然,对于生活,尼克的妻子玛贝尔(吉娜·罗兰兹 Gena Rowlands 饰)有着和丈夫截然不同的想法,她总是抱怨这个,抱怨那个,终日饮酒,精神不稳定随时处于崩溃的边缘。   一方面,尼克很爱自己的妻子,希望她能够幸福和快乐,另一方面,整日生活在玛贝尔散发的负能量中,尼克很难不受其影响。终于,一场意外让夫妻两人压抑已久的情绪爆发了出来,激烈的争吵,无法调解的冲突,最终,尼克亦开始产生了疑惑,真正不正常的那一个,究竟是谁?

2024-09-02   972

村庄 [2023]


2024-09-02   1021

爱的另一半 [2023]

  Nick Jonas stars as Renn, an emotionally distant writer who returns to his hometown of Cleveland for his beloved mother’s funeral, after having spent years successfully avoiding interactions with his high-strung sister (Brittany Snow), bumbling but well-meaning father (Matt Walsh), and untrustworthy step-father (David Arquette). While in town, he forges a new relationship with ...

2024-09-02   1017

山羊生活 [2024][6.8分]

  印度移民工人纳吉布·穆罕默德(Najeeb Muhammad)前往沙特阿拉伯赚钱的真实事件。然而,命运弄人,他发现自己过着奴隶般的生活,在沙漠中央放羊。

2024-09-02   1000

前妻 [2022]

  Tasha has the perfect house, a loving husband and a beautiful little girl. Her life could be perfect if it wasn't for Jen, her husband's ex-wife who just won't leave them alone.

2024-09-02   3105

詹姆斯.梅的玩具世界 [2009][9.0分]

  James May's Toy Stories is a television series presented by James May.[2][3] The series was commissioned for BBC Two from Plum Pictures.[3][4] The first episode, "Airfix", was shown on BBC Two at 8:00 pm on Tuesday 27 October 2009.[1]   The premise of the 6-part show was to bring favourite toys of the past into the modern era, by using the toys in real life large scale enterprise.

2024-09-02   1090

无痛杀手 [2023][7.8分]

  《无痛杀手》是一部有脚本的限定剧集,故事情节虚构,探讨了美国阿片类药物危机的起源和后果,重点讲述了肇事者、受害者和寻求真相者的故事,他们的生活因奥施康定的发明彻底改变了。《无痛杀手》对犯罪、问责制和屡屡令数十万美国人失败的制度进行了审视,改编自巴里·迈耶的《PAINKILLER》一书和帕特里克·拉登·基夫在《纽约客》杂志上发表的文章《The Family That Built an Empire of Pain》。监制阵容包括埃里克·纽曼、彼得·博格和亚历克斯·吉布尼,以及剧集主管/创剧人迈卡·费兹曼-布卢和诺亚·哈普斯特。主演阵容包括乌佐·阿杜巴、马修·布罗德里克、泰勒·克奇、迪纳·什瓦比和韦斯特·杜乔夫尼。

2024-09-02   8391