影片展示了一个非常不同的美好时代的巴黎。1899年,法国总统逝世,反犹主义突出,国家动荡。为了恢复巴黎的秩序,警局局长将与一位腐败的警察、一位雄心勃勃的年轻侦探和一位被征召为间谍的前总统情妇交手。本剧基于真实历史事件改编,多个剧中角色均为真实历史人物。@微博 亿万同人字幕分享
Making the team should be Riley’s dream. But as she struggles to keep up, she slides into anxiety and compulsive behaviour to withstand the pressure. With a phenomenal central performance from Reservation Dogs’ Devery Jacobs, D.W. Waterson’s punchy film shows that cheerleading is more than Bring It On – this is a blood, sweat and tears quest for athletic perfection.
讲述中情局的柏林分部出现了情报被泄露的情况, Richard Armitage饰演的丹尼尔奉命调查,但他越深入地查下去,就发现水越深,很多人的命运可能被永久改变...
Set in the intensely secretive world of intelligence and the enigmatic US/Australia joint defence facility in central Australia, the spy-thriller Pine Gap delves into the famously strong alliance between the two countries.
一名小女孩和家人搬回父亲曾居住过的小镇,而她对真相的执着,让一桩陈年悬案重新浮出水面。 本剧取材自九岁小记者希尔迪·凯特·利沙克(Hilde Kate Lysiak)2016年写下的真实报导。