
辣妹刺客2 [2023][6.7分]


2023-09-07   10587

亲爱的孩子 [2023][7.2分]

  When Lena escapes isolation from the man controlling her, the true extent of her horror is revealed that same night when Lena's parents arrive.

2023-09-07   12632

放射治疗室 [2019][6.9分]


2023-09-06   3615

成年人们 [2023]

  A brief trip back home turns into a longer stay when Eric finds himself caught between catching up with his two sisters and conquering his old poker group. The more Eric extends his visit to prove that he is still the best poker player in town, the harder it becomes to steer clear of the old fault lines in his relationship with his sister Rachel. As their little sister Maggie a...

2023-09-06   10210

叛逆青春变奏曲 [2023]

  一边是自己的罗姆人血统,一边是来自朋友的压力,这名 17 岁少女不顾父母的严格规训,立志成为一名嘻哈音乐人。

2023-09-06   13427

纯真年代第二季 [2023]

  It's the summer of 1969, and Dean and Bill are experiencing new walks of life in New York City; in Montgomery, Lilian's infamous sister, Jackie, pays a memorable visit.

2023-09-06   13229

69两头勾 [2023][6.6分]


2023-09-06   10340

大楼里只有谋杀第三季 [2023][8.1分]

  演员Ben Glenroy(保罗·路德 Paul Rudd 饰)在第二季结局中令人震惊地去世后,Charles(史蒂夫·马丁 Steve Martin 饰)、Oliver(马丁·肖特 Martin Short 饰)和Mabel(赛琳娜·戈麦斯 Selena Gomez 饰)开始调查这起发生在Oliver负责的百老汇节目幕后的悲剧。 在节目联合主演Loretta Durkin(梅丽尔·斯特里普 Meryl Streep 饰)的帮助下,三人组发现这起案件比Arconia的谋杀案更难侦破,但仍然乐观地认为,他们会找到谁杀死了Oliver的男主角,而Oliver也试图将自己的节目重新运作起来。   由于剧院里的每个人都可能成为嫌疑人,三人组的破案工作十分艰巨。至少他们的粉丝们会得到全新的一季播客。

2023-09-05   11175

没有你依然灿烂 [2023]


2023-09-04   15564