
人类历史 [2022][7.2分]

  An alien ship encounters a strange flying object: the Voyager spacecraft. Professor Dr. Georg Friedele wants to teach the aliens about evolution on earth but the more the aliens listen the angrier they turn towards the humans.

2023-07-02   4271

柏林夜总会:纳粹眼中钉 [2023][7.4分]

  这部纪录片对希特勒掌权时期失去的自由进行了探讨,讲述 20 世纪 20 年代柏林一家光鲜亮丽的夜总会如何成为了酷儿群体的避风港。

2023-06-29   6900

敦刻尔克 [2017][8.4分]

  故事改编自著名的二战军事事件“敦刻尔克大撤退”。二战初期,40万英法盟军被敌军围困于敦刻尔克的海滩之上,面对敌军步步逼近的绝境,形势万分危急。英国政府和海军发动大批船员,动员人民起来营救军队。   英国士兵汤米(菲昂·怀特海德FionnWhitehead饰)在逃离海滩的过程中相继结识吉布森与亚历克斯,同时民用船主道森先生(马克·里朗斯MarkRylance饰)与儿子彼得、17岁少年乔治也离开英国,去往敦刻尔克拯救士兵。三人陆续搭救了海军(基里安·墨菲CillianMurphy饰)、飞行员柯林斯及汤米一行人,而战斗机飞行员法瑞尔(汤姆·哈迪TomHardy饰)则在被敌人双面夹击的艰难情形下顽强战斗。   影片的故事从陆、海、空三个角度讲述,在德国军队的包围下,每个人不得不为自己的命运背水一战,才有可能活着回家。

2023-06-22   6906

吴哥窟:众神国度 [2011]


2023-06-18   6476

热辣奇多的诞生 [2023][7.3分]

  Flamin' Hot is the story of Richard Montañez, the Frito Lay janitor who channeled his Mexican American heritage and upbringing to turn Flamin' Hot Cheetos into a snack that disrupted the food industry and became a global phenomenon.

2023-06-09   4407

黑莓 [2023][7.2分]


2023-06-07   2731

罗马的命运 [2011][8.4分]

  凯撒死后,安东尼和屋大维都怀抱野心,但决定先合作打击布鲁图斯和卡西乌斯。在刺杀凯撒的共和派势力被除掉后,古罗马帝国的内部矛盾日益加剧,各方争夺势力,屋大维和安东尼形成两权对峙。在拉拢元老院各位长老,煽动风向,将安东尼立为“祖国之敌”,向埃及女王宣战等一系列行动之后,为了争夺国家的最高权力,屋大维和安东尼终于展开了海上的决斗。   At the Battle of Philippi, Marc Antony and Octavian fight back their joint enemies to lay claim to Caesar's throne. Eleven years later, the two square off in the naval Battle of Actium to decide once and for all the .

2023-06-06   4740

古罗马的瑰宝 [2012][8.7分]

  Alastair Sooke takes an in-depth look at the art of the Roman Empire.

2023-06-06   4490

奥斯曼帝国与基督教世界:欧洲之战 [2010][8.2分]

  Presented by Julian Davison, OTTOMANS VERSUS CHRISTIANS “The Battle For Europe” travels to the Balkans, Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union, where the power struggle between Christian Europe and the Muslim Ottoman Empire lasted for centuries.   Featuring interviews with top historians, live reenactments of pivotal events, and visits to historical sites, this three-part ser.

2023-06-03   4884

文明的秘密第一季 [2021]

  Secrets to Civilisation is a groundbreaking History series which explores the recent explosion in data about our planet's past, offering a completely fresh perspective on the ancient world from the Bronze Age to the fall of Rome.

2023-05-31   4330