ChuckLevine(AdamSandler饰)和LarryValentine(KevinJames饰)是同一个消防站的消防队员,二人在工作上默契十足,更是无话不谈的好兄弟。私底下,ChuckLevine是一个无女不欢的花花公子;而LarryValentine却对已故前妻情有独钟,全心照料他们的一双小儿女。 为了让孩子成为自己的人身保险受益人,LarryValentine必须结婚,对女人兴趣缺缺的他,想出了一个“好主意”:和ChuckLevine扮成同性恋假结婚。 乱哄哄的婚礼之后,两人的生活发生了翻天覆地的变化。为了应付政府官员的检查,他们住在了一起,并参加同性恋派对,面对抗议的群众慷慨陈辞,甚至大打出手,从“假玻璃”变成“真斗士”,在同性恋人群中知名度迅速扩大,但是也受到消防队同事的歧视。更要命的是,ChuckLevine...
Jattawa看似普通的法律系学生,但她有控制时间的能力。她的妹妹昕薇有预见未来的能力。然而最近,昕薇的观点似乎是错误的。因此,她发现很容易不相信她最近的预测,P'Four,一个名声不好的大学学姐,是她未来的情人。 Kantana Motion Pictures Co., Ltd.制作 根据 Zezeho 的小说改编
水村海(宇佐卓真 饰)是个笨手笨脚、做什么都不顺利的老好人,因为整天借钱,有一天被赶出了家门。这时,在海外出差的双胞胎弟弟水村陆打来了一个电话。“我会让你住在我家,如果可以的话,我也会帮哥哥还清所有的债务。但是……”。进入陆的家,突然谜一样的男人·雪田千秋(今井龙太郎 饰)闯进来,就那样被抱住接吻了。其实那个男人是陆的恋人。“对了,你能不能假装成我和我的恋人千秋分手?”
Tre anni dopo la morte di Denis, l'amico che li ha uniti, Antonio e Luca incrociano di nuovo le loro esistenze. Antonio è diventato un pasticciere di successo e workaholic. Luca invece ha conosciuto Tancredi, operatore di una casa-famiglia per giovani LGBTQ+, che lo ha aiutato a superare una fase complessa della sua vita. Quando i due si ritrovano, Antonio - la cui vita sentime...
Antonio is a 30 yo family man, whose life finds an unexpected twist when he's suddenly dumped by his husband, whom he depends both psychologically and economically: he needs to find a new place to stay, a job and a new purpose in life. Antonio finds a room in an apartment owned by Denis and starts to work in a bakery owned by Luca, while attending pastry school. Through this process he discovers that it was wrong of him to give up his independence for the sake of his relationship in the past.
Comme chaque été, une jeune Corse qui vit à Paris rentre sur son île pour y retrouver tout ce qu’elle y a laissé, à savoir, sa bande d’ami.e.s et leurs névroses. Back To Corsica, nous fait découvrir le quotidien d’Andréa, jeune lesbienne en quête d’amour, de son frère, Petru Anto, macho Corse sentimental, de sa meilleure amie, Marie-Luce, « célibatante » insulaire, de Flora et .
In the 10-part series, 10 single girls are matched up, and meet for the first time with a kiss. Before they arrive, the girls are matched based on what they’re looking for in a partner.