
桃乐丝·罗奇的恐惧 [2023]

  The Horror of Dolores Roach is a grotesque Sweeney Todd-inspired tale of Eat or Be Eaten; a macabre urban legend of love, betrayal, weed, gentrification, cannibalism, and survival of the fittest. It follows the indomitable Dolores Roach, who returns to a New York City neighborhood that has changed drastically during the sixteen years she has been in prison. Her boyfriend missin...

2023-07-07   8407

林肯律师第二季 [2023][7.7分]

  洛杉矶最炙手可热的辩护律师隆重回归,《林肯律师》第二季登场!米奇·海勒(曼努埃尔·加西亚-鲁尔福 Manuel Garcia-Rulfo 饰),他是离经叛道的理想主义者,以自己的林肯房车后座为执业基地,跑遍辽阔的洛杉矶,承接各种大小案件,伸张属于自己的正义。该剧改编自知名作家迈克尔·康纳利的畅销书系《林肯律师》,第 2 季以系列第四部小说《第五个证人》为本。第二季第1部7月6日上线,第2部8月3日上线。

2023-07-07   8559

电梯里的恶魔 [2010][6.5分]

  一天上午,有人坠楼摔死在一辆货车上。负责调查的警探博登(克里斯·梅西纳ChrisMessina饰)来到现场后发现第一现场并不在货车停靠的位置,而是在不远处的一栋大厦。与此同时,这栋大厦的一处电梯突然故障,悬停在20层附近,电梯中的三男两女被困。大厦保安派去的维修人员也未能解决故障。封闭的电梯里,五人因持续被困而情绪焦躁并争执起来。就在此时,电梯内的灯突然熄灭了十几秒钟,短暂的黑暗过后,其中一名女郎的背部受伤流血不止。保安决定报警。   博登接到大厦保安报案之后赶赴监控室,正欲调动警力解救被困人员之时,电梯内的灯再次熄灭。灯亮之后,人们发现其中一名男子已被杀害,而凶手似乎只有可能是剩下的四人之一……

2023-07-06   4491

拜金人生 [2023]

2023-07-06   11242

为单身汉设下的陷阱 [1990][7.4分]

  The unexpected disappearance of a young wife forced the protagonist to go to the police. The commissioner begins an investigation, and in the meantime, the local curate brings an allegedly repentant wife to the inconsolable husband.

2023-07-06   4706

CODE-愿望的代价- [2023][6.6分]


2023-07-05   5083

异教峰第三季 [2023][8.0分]

  The murder of her colleague Yela Antic doesn't give Ellie a moment's peace: she wants to bring Gedeon to justice for stealing the murder weapon. Meanwhile, Gedeon delves more and more into his past.

2023-07-04   3755

发财联盟 [2023]


2023-07-01   4761

塔楼:死亡讯息第二季 [2023]

  The new series is going to be entitled The Tower II: Death Message and is based on Kate London’s brilliant second novel of the same name. It is being adapted by screenwriter Patrick Harbinson (Homeland, Fearless, 24, ER) and produced by his company Windhover Films and production company Mammoth Screen.   The series opens with Lizzie (Tahirah Sharif) returning to Farlow station wh.

2023-06-30   4937

害怕看不见的人 [2023]


2023-06-28   5035