
疯女人的舞会 [2021][7.4分]


2023-01-29   4463

交火碎梦 [2022]

  A holiday turns from heaven to hell in a second. Keeley Hawes stars in this nail-biting thriller about a luxurious resort thrown unexpectedly into heart-breaking chaos.

2023-01-28   3099

安妮的脸 [2022][4.8分]

  You wake up in a shabby hotel room with no idea how you got there. You can’t recall your name. You discover there seem to be other young women in other rooms in the same predicament, though one of them seems to know your name: Anne. After an unpleasant encounter with a rather large cockroach, you have a screaming fit. That’s when the nurses arrive to sedate you. And by the way,...

2023-01-28   3597

V字猎杀令 [2022]

  After learning that their younger sibling escaped an earlier kidnapping attempt that also killed their parents, two estranged sisters must join forces to rescue her from a group of bloodthirsty vampires.

2023-01-27   3484

路德灵异侦探社 [2023]

  Big Talk Productions宣布开发超自然题材剧集《路德灵异侦探社 Lockwood & Co》,该剧根据Jonathan Stroud所著同名畅销小说系列改篇,小说首集《The Screaming Staircase》背景在伦敦,这世界有着不同鬼怪,而只有少数少年才有观察到这些超自然现象的能力(书中设定成人不会有这类能力),因此少年灵异侦探社应运而生,而路德灵异侦探社则是众侦探社中最小型及摇摇欲坠的一间。

2023-01-27   3721

迷雾中的她(下) [2022][7.9分]

  A woman vanishes. Two men take to the road in search of her: they both love her. Why did she leave? Each one of them has his own suspicions, and hides them from the other one who—mysteriously—never truly becomes his rival. Neither is right—but is anyone? This sudden runaway becomes the hidden core of a number of fictions that the film delicately weaves together: the secret of t...

2023-01-20   3438

迷雾中的她(上) [2022][7.7分]


2023-01-19   3696

孤楼求生 [2016][6.6分]

  A man gets stuck in an empty high rise without food, water or electricity.

2023-01-17   3194

死神的十字路口 [2008][7.4分]

  影片由四个小故事组成。   因为车祸而行动不便的女孩通过短信与一素未谋面的男孩交往甚密,她将自拍发给男孩,并向男孩索要照片,手机嗡嗡的震动着,男孩发给她的照片上,女孩看到的究竟是什么?男孩生来性格内向懦弱,这成为了同学欺负他的最佳理由。一开始只是玩笑般的打闹,但逐渐的,欺负步步升级。男孩忍无可忍,决定冒着极大的危险,通过降头术将欺负他的人一一杀死。一群朋友外出露营,夜里,无聊的他们以讲恐怖故事为消遣,却自己被自己吓到,抢着要睡中间最有安全感的位置。第二天,睡在中间的男孩意外溺水身亡,按照恐怖故事所说的,今晚,已经死去的他会从地狱归来。飞机上搭载着王妃的遗体,这次航班的任务就是护送遗体回国火化。空姐心里惴惴不安,没想到恐怖的事情真的发生了,遗体离奇消失,在机舱封闭的空间里,在本该空无一人的厕所中,传来了令人毛骨悚然的声音。

2023-01-16   4469

红日狂花第三季 [2023]

  The greater the calm, the wilder the storm.

2023-01-13   3485