
萤火虫小巷第二季 [2022][7.9分]

  What could possibly have ended the tight-knit thirty year friendship of Tully and Kate, our "Firefly Lane Girls Forever"? We'll learn the answer this season -- but first -- Kate grapples with the painful aftermath of Johnny's ill-fated trip to Iraq, while Tully faces a lawsuit after walking away from her talk show, and must start her career over from the bottom. This leads her ...

2023-04-27   3642

夺命护士 [2023]

  One early morning in March 2015, the Danish police received a call from a nurse at Nykøbing Falster Hospital. She suspects her close colleague of deliberately killing patients and fears that it has just happened again. Soon a murder case unfolds like never seen before in Danish legal history. Several co-workers are now telling the police that they also suspect the nurse has poi...

2023-04-27   3032

上班族妈妈 1-7季 [2017][8.1分]

  加拿大CBC新喜剧《上班族妈妈》是一部典型的女性剧,女人是否能拥有想要的一切?对这些上班族妈妈来说,有些时候她们的确能心想事成,但有些时候……一事无成。该剧将深入剖析当代的「妈妈文化」,主人公Kate(Catherine Reitman)和Anne(Dani Kind)已经做了一辈子朋友。Kate是个温和、务实的公关经理,Anne则是个严肃的心理医生。她们在一个妈妈互助小组中遇到了可爱但胆怯的Jenny(Jessalyn Wanlim)和生活混乱的Frankie(Juno Rinaldi)。四个女人很快组成闺蜜小圈子,并且建立起不靠谱的友谊。该剧将展现这四个都市妈妈最原始、最真实的一面,展现她们的爱情、事业和为母之道。她们要面对讨厌的同事、永远不知满足的孩子、产后抑郁症,甚至性欲的「第二春」,但她们选择用幽默和尊严来度过每一天

2023-04-27   3504

圣十字 [2023][6.0分]


2023-04-26   2804

梅森探案集第二季 [2023][8.3分]

  《梅森探案集》第二季由《尼克病院》主创Jack Amiel和Michael Begler担任新的剧集运作人和编剧。   故事发生在Dodson审判数月后,Perry (Matthew Rhys饰) 搬离了农场,抛弃了运奶卡车,他甚至用自己的皮夹克换了套笔挺的西装。这是大萧条时期最糟糕的一年,Perry和Della (Juliet Rylance饰) 让公司走上了一条更稳妥的道路,专注处理民事案件,而不是刑事案件所带来的混乱工作。不幸的是,Paul (Chris Chalk饰) 在遗嘱和合同方面没有太多的工作,所以他独自出去打拼了。洛杉矶市发生了一起容易侦破的案件,而Perry对正义的追求,表明并非所有事都像看上去的那样一目了然。

2023-04-26   4485

翻转人生 [2023]

  Follows Mae Cannon as she finds herself restless inside a marriage that totally works. A new fantastical journey will take her to parallel universes.

2023-04-25   2880

某人某地第二季 [2023][8.3分]

  Kansas is calling. Somebody Somewhere returns to HBO Max on April 23.

2023-04-24   2610

情劫 [2023][5.4分]

  本剧改编自Josephine Hart的同名小说,聚焦一场危机四伏的三角恋。   令人难以捉摸的Anna Barton与Martyn早已订婚,但她跟未婚夫的政客父亲William展开了一段热烈的地下情。Anna努力维持着这两段关系,另一边的William则陷入了难以释怀的漩涡,而他的妻子Ingrid对此一无所知。但在有人受伤之前,这个秘密又能隐瞒多久?

2023-04-23   6060

非典型少年第四季 [2021][9.0分]


2023-04-22   4040