
一触即发第一季 [2022][7.2分]

  本剧将聚焦反恐警务,和伦敦警察厅拆弹小组的卓越工作。故事讲述夏季的一场恐怖主义运动威胁到了首都的安全,拆手们忙碌在紧急行动的最前线,以便在伤亡人数增加之前查明爆炸的幕后黑手。   VickyMcClure饰演前线警官LanaWashington,AdrianLester饰演JoelNutkins。两人都是前军人,曾在阿富汗共同服役,关系紧密,现为拆弹人员,人称「Expos/拆手」(暂译)。

2024-01-23   4082

粉雄救兵第七季 [2023][9.3分]

  Queer Eye's next stop is none other than New Orleans.   There, the Fab Five—a.k.a. Antoni Porowski, Karamo, Jonathan Van Ness, Bobby Berk and Tan France—will continue to do what they do best by transforming the lives of those who deserve it the most.   That's not all, though. As the cast revealed during

2024-01-21   4485

渐行渐远 [2012][7.5分]


2024-01-20   3345

警之光第一季 [2023][8.2分]

  由《索尔兹伯里投毒案 The Salisbury Poisonings》主创Adam Patterson及Declan Lawn负责的6集剧《北爱警之光 Blue Lights》,灵感来自北爱尔兰警察的《北爱警之光》讲述在首都贝尔法斯特工作的菜鸟警察,只有几个月成长空间的他们得面临前线的压力及危险。

2024-01-20   5092

外科医生马丁第二季 [2005][8.8分]

  With Elaine away with her boyfriend, Martin finds himself with a new receptionist in the form of her cousin, Pauline who arrives unannounced. He assists his aunt Joan by examining her friend, Muriel Steele. Her son, Danny Steele thinks she is displaying early signs of dementia and wants to put her in a home. Martin's initial examination reveals her to be perfectly normal but he...

2024-01-20   3865

外科医生马丁第一季 [2004][8.4分]

  Martin Ellingham, a London-based surgeon, relocates to the picturesque seaside village of Port Wenn, establishing himself as the area's general practitioner. He grew up in the area having been raised by his now widowed Aunt Joan Norton. His reasons for leaving London and the high-paid life of a consultant are not clear initially but related to a phobia he has recently developed...

2024-01-20   3650

斯派德先生 [2024][6.3分]

  《后翼弃兵》主创Scott Frank和《山城之巅》运作人Tom Fontana共同创作新剧《斯派德先生 Monsieur Spade》,前者执导所有集数。   该剧将以法语为主,在法国拍摄。主角是《马耳他之鹰》里的侦探Sam Spade,Clive Owen饰演。   在本剧故事中,Spade在法国南部小镇博祖尔平静地过着他的退休生活。那是1963年,阿尔及利亚战争刚刚结束,但在很短的时间内,Spade的平静生活也将结束。

2024-01-20   4533

泰迪熊 [2024][8.4分]


2024-01-20   7003

侠探杰克第二季 [2023][8.3分]

  第二季将根据 Child 的 Jack Reacher 系列的第十一部小说《Bad Luck and Trouble》改编。

2024-01-20   8051