Tribal Policeman Joe Leaphorn investigates the death of a man involved in a mysterious cult, while Jim Chee, moonlighting as a PI, works a case of his own. When the investigations collide, Leaphorn and Chee find themselves in grave danger.
大毒枭文华(陈豪饰)掌控全港过半以上的毒品生意,为了打击这名头号毒枭,毒品调查科安插行动组卧底叶浩天(萧正楠饰)在华身边,最终华被最信任的天出卖而被捕。 从此,天失去了情感、恐惧和同情心,甚至对爱人丁若宁(张㬢雯饰)也失去了爱的感觉。在同僚眼中,天是一名不合群的“怪咖”,终日埋首于失踪人口调查科工作。而华入狱后一直要求单独囚禁,希望能安静地看书。 12年后,华接受网台记者林可儿(张宝儿饰)采访,言谈间为过往的所作所为后悔不已。华被证实患上末期肺癌,特区政府基于人道理由让华假释。此时,一宗杀警案的矛头直指刚出狱的华,宁要求最了解华的天重返毒品调查科。华找来哑巴徐安乐(何广沛饰)替他处理网上毒品经销,再找来旧爱章琳(胡定欣饰)助他透过股票
Like Fritz Lang, David Fincher or Bong Joon Ho before him, talented debut filmmaker Lado Kvataniya uses the concept of police detective vs serial killer for an excitingly stylised, macabre and haunting narrative, that ultimately revolves around the identity of an era: in this case, the late 1980s Soviet Union. With Glasnost and the end of communist rule, the West also learned o...
Simon Baker stars as Travis Hurley, a detective who arrives in a small Australian outback city to research a twenty-year-old unsolved homicide of a neighborhood Aboriginal lady. Forming bonds with the sufferer's fractured household, Travis unravels a collection of arduous truths, highlighting the complexities of loss and injustice skilled by First Nations Australians.
It follows the turbulent and complex investigation into the killing of British tourist Lucie Blackman.
一心帮凤姐化解“死劫”的命理大师(林家栋 饰),因凤姐独自离开而无法阻止她被残杀的命运。正当大师悲痛莫名之际却机缘巧合遇上送错外卖的茶餐厅少东(杨乐文 饰),并挑起了少东与生俱来的杀戮冲动。大师算出少东将会因杀人而犯牢狱之灾,少东害怕再陷囹圄,求大师帮忙改命。曾目睹少东杀猫的老差骨(吴延烨 饰)坚信少东是天生的心理变态,甩不掉嗜血本性,大师却认为既是天生,那错的不是少东,是命运!大师使尽风水术数、中西玄学,但总是人算不如天算,铩羽而归…黔驴技穷之际,老差骨步步进逼、凶手虎视眈眈、还有年轻凤姐(伍咏诗 饰)的致命诱惑,令少东的杀念越加炽烈,执刀就要踏上杀戮之路。而大师也频临精神崩溃,命中注定的大劫将至! 一切皆是命,半点不由人?