
三色艺术史 [2012][9.1分]

  Dr James Fox explores how, in the hands of artists, the colours gold, blue and white have stirred our emotions, changed the way we behave and even altered the course of history.

2024-03-14   2903

永恒的记忆 [2023][7.7分]


2024-03-13   2832


  The film is a follow-up to Kvedaravicius’ 2016 doc Mariupolis, which followed the lives of everyday citizens in Mariupol as the threat of war with Russia escalated.

2024-03-11   3652

末代沙皇的公主们 [2014][8.2分]


2024-03-11   3098

歇斯底里 [2021][8.7分]

  Hysterical is an honest and hilarious backstage pass into the lives of some of stand-up comedy’s most boundary-breaking women, exploring the hard-fought journey to become the voices of their generation and their gender. Featuring Margaret Cho, Fortune Feimster, Rachel Feinstein, Marina Franklin, Nikki Glaser, Judy Gold, Kathy Griffin, Jessica Kirson, Sherri Shepherd, Iliza Shle...

2024-03-08   6238

看不见的顶峰 [2023][7.8分]

  2021年5月24日,一位来自中国的视障者张洪,登顶了世界第一高峰珠穆朗玛峰。他成为了亚洲第一位,世界第三位登上这座高峰的盲人攀登者。   然而,并不能欣赏顶峰风光的张洪为什么痴迷于攀登;当他下定决心冲击世界屋脊直到完成目标,这一路,他都经历了什么?   中国首位获得美国艾美奖最佳纪录片和最佳长篇商业报道奖两项大奖的导演及其团队,亲自操刀,历时三年,跨越两国,记录了张洪攀登珠峰的全过程。影片真实展现了珠穆朗玛峰壮丽的景色和暴虐无情的惊险、张洪登顶的历史时刻以及电影主人公面对自身身体条件的缺陷、庞大的经济和时间成本、情感取舍、气候地势等众多问题时的点滴时刻。

2024-03-08   1753

以爱之名:青少年矫正计划内幕揭秘 [2024][8.2分]

  No talking. No smiling. No going outside. The Academy at Ivy Ridge claimed to use therapy and recreational activities to help troubled teens. Instead, teens suffered mental and physical abuse in a program that operated like a cult. In this gripping investigative docuseries, a filmmaker and other former students recall their horrific experiences attending a disciplinary school a...

2024-03-06   4204

印度名媛殷德拉妮:埋藏的真相 [2024]


2024-03-06   2824

大自然的女王 [2024][9.2分]


2024-03-06   3511