
书谜第二季 [2015]

  Classic books are considered with a fresh eye. Returning to the authors' original manuscripts and letters, expert writers and performers bring their personal insights to these great works.

2024-02-22   3627

书谜第一季 [2014][8.7分]

  Six classic British books are considered with a fresh eye. Returning to the authors' original manuscripts and letters, expert writers and performers bring their personal insights to these great works.

2024-02-22   3485

扬尼斯:传奇之旅 [2024]

  The story of Giannis Antetokounmpo, global NBA superstar, from the streets of Athens to becoming an NBA champion and two-time league MVP.

2024-02-20   1970

尼斯印象 [1930][8.1分]

  What starts off as a conventional travelogue turns into a satirical portrait of the town of Nice on the French Cote d'Azur, especially its wealthy inhabitants.

2024-02-18   3071

美国工厂 [2019][8.4分]

  《美国工厂》是一部 Netflix 原创纪录片,由 Higher Ground Productions 和 Participant Media 出品,荣获奥斯卡金像奖®提名并斩获艾美奖®的朱莉娅·赖克特和史蒂文·博格纳尔(《最后一辆车:通用王国的破产》《A Lion in the House》《正观“红色”》)打造。这部广受好评的电影深入研究了后工业时代的俄亥俄州,一位中国亿万富翁在当地一家废弃的通用汽车工厂中开设新工厂,并雇佣了 2000 名美国蓝领工人。随着高科技中国企业与美国工人阶级产生冲突,最初的希望和乐观遭受了挫折。

2024-02-17   6171

你瞧,网络世界的幻想 [2016][7.3分]


2024-02-16   4127

六国锦标赛:英式橄榄球争霸赛 [2024]

  欧洲最优秀的橄榄球队通过一轮又一轮、一场又一场的比赛,在 2023 年六国锦标赛中争夺奖杯。

2024-02-16   4214

海洋间谍 [2023]

  “间谍生物”又来了!   这一次,间谍相机带着当今最尖端的拍摄技术,前往海洋深处,迎接它们迄今为止最激动人心的挑战,探索地球上最神奇且最具活力的环境之一,海洋。   在全新纪录片《海洋间谍》中,观众能见到有史以来最大的“间谍生物”:间谍鲸,以及间谍龙虾、间谍鲱鱼和间谍河豚等……   从缤纷美丽的珊瑚礁,到岩石海岸的尽头,新一代携带着摄像机的“间谍生物”将深入那些以前从未到过的地方,揭示非凡的海洋生物令人惊讶的隐秘生活,展现前所未见的动物行为与复杂关系。

2024-02-16   4291

爱因斯坦与原子弹 [2024]

  Will mix Archie with dramatization and explore key moments in science genius Einstein's let, and how his work change history's course. Everything he says in the film is taken from words he said or wrote.

2024-02-16   4931

洛城少女二十五岁 [1993][8.2分]

  是一部关于Jacques Demy 的《[ 洛城少女]》(Demoiselles de Rochefort,1966)的纪录片,片中混合了当初拍片的现场纪录和二十几年后Rochefort当地为影片庆生的实况。   In 1967, the phenomenally successful director of the films Lola and the groundbreaking musical Les Parapluies de Cherbourg, Jacques Demy, arrived in the little port town of Rochefort and, together with his art director, decorated the whole...

2024-02-16   3896