
鸟瞰欧洲 第四季 [2022]


2023-05-15   4800

鸟瞰欧洲第三季 [2021]

  All-new third season showcases some of Europe’s finest cultural and geographical landmarks through stunning aerial hyper-lapse photography. Six-part documentary series takes viewers on awe-inspiring visual journey around Norway, Croatia, Portugal, Switzerland, Ireland and Iceland.   Europe From Above Season Three Premiereson Sunday 5th September at 8pm on National Geographic.

2023-05-15   6776

古时的天空第一季 [2019][8.7分]

  With breath-taking CGI, beautiful landscape footage and some of the world's most important astronomical artefacts, Ancient Skies looks at the cosmos through the eyes of our ancestors, and our changing views of the cosmos throughout history.

2023-05-15   4292

野性安第斯 [2018]

  Explore the Andes mountains' extremes and celebrate the animals that call it home on a 4,000-mile journey along the western edge of South America, from icy Southern Patagonia to the oxygen-deprived Altiplano plateau to the northern tropical Andes

2023-05-14   4050

我还是我:迈克尔·J·福克斯 [2023]


2023-05-12   4809

夏洛特眼中的简 [2021][6.6分]


2023-05-11   2482

埃及艳后 [2023][2.5分]


2023-05-10   4355

失踪调查组:生死未卜第一季 [2023]


2023-05-10   5354

伟大艺术第一季 [2018][8.8分]

  英国ITV频道从2018年起,邀请英国皇家艺术学院艺术主任Tim Marlow讲述欧洲美术馆收藏的传世名作,每一季五集,每集聚焦一位画家或一个流派,一般以当季热门的主题展为基础。目前已经播出了三季十五集。分集信息如下:   第一季:①卡纳莱托②印象派③米开朗琪罗④伦勃朗⑤维米尔   第二季:①大卫·霍克尼②梵高③耶罗尼米斯·博斯④爱杜尔·马奈⑤美国印象派   第三季:①毕加索②戈雅③爱德华·蒙克④从莫奈到马蒂斯⑤塞尚

2023-05-10   4959

造物工厂第三季 [2017][9.2分]

  Series 3   EpisodeTitleOriginal airdateViewers (millions)   1Tea bags18 July 20172.45   Gregg and Cherry visit the Typhoo factory to learn the secrets of how they make their teabags. Cherry looks at the process of how the tea l

2023-05-09   5025