

热血司祭2 [2024][更04]

  热血铁三角原班人马事隔5年回归,天主教司祭金海日(金南佶 饰)、检察官朴京善(李荷妮 饰)和刑警具大荣(金成畇 饰)联手打击恶势力!   一场追思会泄露了地下贩毒集团的秘密,金海日决定同拍档一齐去釜山,伪装成神学院教师,展开调查。

2024-11-09   694

正念谋杀 [2024][8.0分]

  比约恩·迪梅尔(汤姆·希林 饰)是一名顶尖律师,却意外成为杀人犯。他试图通过正念研讨会来更好地平衡工作与生活,花更多时间陪伴女儿,并希望挽救自己的婚姻。研讨会确实达到了预期的效果,尽管效果与他想象的有出入。他将新学到的正念技巧直接应用到他的客户德拉甘·塞戈维奇(残忍粗心的黑手党老大,由萨沙·吉尔萨克饰演)的身上,结果让警方以及整个黑帮家族都对他展开追捕。尽管情况紧张,比约恩却能保持冷静,并彻底重组自己的生活。如果现在需要几起谋杀来解决他的问题,那么这也只是他全新正念生活的自然结果。

2024-11-09   1792

妳是我的姐妹 [2024]

  讲述只有3.5颗星评价的妹妹(温贞菱 饰),人生最大梦想是打败5颗星的姐姐(李霈瑜 饰)。

2024-11-09   4283

睡睡你的爱睡睡我的爱 [2024][更03]

  讲述了六个独特迷人的男孩一起度过不眠之夜的故事。   以温馨治愈的故事内容吸引了大量粉丝的目光。剧集围绕着一段既能触人心弦又充满治愈力的情感旅程展开。

2024-11-09   372

争分夺秒 Cada Minuto Cuenta [2024]

  Describes how the catastrophic earthquake of 1985 had a negative impact on Along with thousands of others who were buried, a doctor with a dark past, a journalist seeking fame, and a family in distress will all be required to put their lives in danger in Mexico City. Every minute of their heroic rescue attempts turns into a chance for them to change the course of their own live...

2024-11-09   379

太太太厉害 [2024][更06]


2024-11-09   1075

屏声敛息 [2024]

  Breathtaking is based on Rachel Clarke’s unflinching memoir having looked after the most gravely unwell patients in the early days of the pandemic. Amid the tensions, fatigue and rising death toll, she witnessed the courage of patients and NHS staff alike in conditions of unprecedented adversity.

2024-11-09   4021

奇思妙探第二季 [2024][7.8分][更04]

  随着第二季开始,正当Elsbeth Tascioni开始适应她在纽约的新生活和职业生涯时,她在芝加哥犯下的错误再次开始困扰她。分局刚从去年的不愉快中恢复过来,又被一位爱管闲事的新任副警监进行了重组,Blanke警官和Wagner警监因此也面临着各自的挑战。与此同时,团队在与那些自以为可以逍遥法外的人交锋之余,见识了纽约精英阶层更为奇怪的一面。

2024-11-09   1218

鲁丝 [2024]

  Follows the story of Ruth Ellis: her lifestyle as a young nightclub manageress, her violent relationship with the man she then killed in cold blood, her arrest, trial, and subsequent legal battle to get her release before she was hanged.

2024-11-09   471