“暴君计划”的最后一个样品,因为配送事故突然消失,各怀鬼胎的人们,为了抢夺样品,展开互相追逐。 主导“暴君计划”的,正是非常凶狠的、隶属于国家机关的局长“崔国章”(金宣虎 饰)。他私底下一直偷偷运作“暴君计划”,殊不知后面隐藏许多不为人知的事情。 车胜元饰演负责铲除“暴君计划”相关势力的前任要员“林尚”,其角色将散发出不可替代的存在感。
19世纪末,英国伦敦的上空阴云密布。探险家马尔科姆·穆雷爵士(提摩西·道尔顿 Timothy Dalton 饰)与美丽的灵媒温妮莎·艾芙斯(伊娃·格林 Eva Green 饰)四处寻找他的女儿米娜,在与一群不明生物交手的过程中,似乎窥探到来自两千年前古埃及的秘密。天才外科医生维克多·弗兰肯斯坦(哈里·崔德威 Harry Treadaway 饰)用尸块创造了科学怪人,他体验到造物主的乐趣时,也被过去的阴影束缚。四处寻回表演的美国落魄公子哥伊森·钱德勒(乔什·哈奈特 Josh Hartnett 饰)曾因出色的枪法受雇于温妮莎,匪夷所思的经历让他盘桓伦敦,难以逃遁,在此期间他和苦命女子*比莉•派佩 Billie Piper 饰)坠入爱河。 这些人因各种原因走到一起,共同面对永世无法摆脱的噩梦……
《凶宅处理专员 The Surrealtor》讲述房地产经纪Nick Roman及他的精英团队专门负责一种案子:会把买家吓跑,确实在闹鬼的凶宅。不过在调查﹑处理凶宅的过程中,主角们在这环境下也得和自己心魔作较量。
镇西侯府小公子百里东君(侯明昊 饰)不学武艺却独好酿酒,只因和年少时的好友叶云有过酒剑成仙的约定。命运使然他拜入了天下第一李长生门下开始学武,邂逅了红颜知己玥瑶(胡连馨 饰),重逢了改名为叶鼎之(何与 饰)的叶云,与江湖浪客司空长风(夏之光 饰)结伴,少年们携手开启属于他们自己的江湖故事。
拉西·彼得森失踪时已怀有八个月身孕。人们展开搜寻,结果却以悲剧告终。这部系列纪录片对这起 2002 年的谋杀案进行了深入探究。
In the four-part series, a fire tears through a holiday home in a scenic Lancashire lake town. Detective Ember Manning must work out how it connects to a podcast journalist investigating a missing persons cold case and an illicit ‘love’ triangle between a man in his twenties and two underage girls. But as Ember gets close to the truth, it threatens to destroy her life – forcing.
“Bad Monkey” tells the story of Andrew Yancy (Vince Vaughn), who has been bounced from the Miami Police Department and is now a health inspector in the Keys. But after stumbling upon a case that begins with a human arm fished up by tourists, he realizes that if he can prove murder, he’ll be back in. He just needs to get past a trove of Floridian oddballs and one bad monkey.
It was the world's last Islamic empire - a super-power of a million square miles. From its capital in Istanbul it matched the glories of Ancient Rome. And after six centuries in power it collapsed less than a hundred years ago. Rageh Omaar sets out to discover why the Ottomans have vanished from our understanding of the history of Europe. Why so few realise the importance of Ot...